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EI Foundation for Happiness & Success Level 1

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Statistics, Research & Study Proves that 80% of Your Success in Life is Determined by Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)


The Emotional Intelligence Training Program is focused on developing emotional intelligence by addressing issues such as how to find fulfilling work, how to master the art of relationships, how to understand one’s past, how to achieve calm and how better to understand, and where necessary change, the world.


About Emotional Intelligence:


Study and research indicates those with a higher level of emotional intelligence are far more effective in a number of key performance areas including stress management.


Emotional intelligence is one of the most important ingredients for professionals to effectively cope and thrive in a challenging work environment.” Emotional Intelligence is defined as the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.


In today’s world it is understood that it’s not anymore the IQ that matters but the EQ. What is lacking is Emotional Intelligence.


Emotional Intelligence Foundation Course


Emotional Intelligence

Overwhelmed, Stressed, Communication

Failures and Mistakes

Marketing Teams – communication and feedback

Reactive VS Responsive

How do I get a better response?

Team work

Regulate their emotions & interact with each person.



Duration: 2 Days (16 Hours)


By 2020, Emotional Intelligence will be one of the top 10 job skills!


Statistics, Research & Study Proves that 80% of Your Success in Life is Determined by Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)


The Emotional Intelligence Training Program is focused on developing emotional intelligence by addressing issues such as how to find fulfilling work, how to master the art of relationships, how to understand one’s past, how to achieve calm and how better to understand, and where necessary change, the world.


About Emotional Intelligence:


Study and research indicates those with a higher level of emotional intelligence are far more effective in a number of key performance areas including stress management.


Emotional intelligence is one of the most important ingredients for professionals to effectively cope and thrive in a challenging work environment.” Emotional Intelligence is defined as the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.


In today’s world it is understood that it’s not anymore the IQ that matters but the EQ. What is lacking is Emotional Intelligence.


Emotional Intelligence for Stress Reduction and Resilience:


Rapid, disruptive change is today’s normal. It comes in bubbles, waves and sometimes tsunamis. In order to adapt to this constant change and the ever increasing pressure and demands that come along with it, employees need to sharpen their agility and resilience skills.


Resilience is a key attribute for employees to display persistence and focus on achieving objectives even in difficult circumstances, whilst remaining positive and optimistic. The key ingredient in developing agile and resilient employees is


Benefits for Employees:


ü      Balanced Performance & Decision Making

ü      Self-Awareness & Motivation

ü      Enhanced Social Skills & Self-Management

ü      Empathy

ü      Tackling & Dealing with Emotions such as: Egoism, Self Esteem, Inferiority Complex


About the Curriculum:


Emotional Quotient Skill Test

The EQ test is composed of a set of enlightening and inspiring questions that you will answer at the beginning and at the end of the training. Upon your choice you can test yourself again after one and three months.

The EQ test is not based on psychometrics; it avoids judging and labeling people. This fantastic rubric and framework helps you to continue measuring yourself through numbers and scores. You will receive feedback in an easy and verifiable way to directly increase your EQ and personal & professional growth. The purpose of the DorisNLP EQ test is to provide you with immediate and long-lasting changes.


Pinpoint and understand emotions

80% of emotions are identified incorrectly. We think we are angry only to find out that deeper down may be guilt. We think we are sad but underneath may be uttermost frustration. Identify your emotions more accurately and instantly. Reflect on the numerous labels and meanings of emotions. There is no wrong or right. Emotional Intelligence helps us to trust our own and other’s unique experience.


The Inner Switchboard

Learn more details about the fabric of your emotions and how exactly they are produced. Differentiate emotions from thoughts and practice pinpointing them.Learn how to directly influence the power of emotions. You will establish an inner switch board that will help you to reduce or amplify emotions upon your conscious choice.


Your Rainbow of Emotions

Mostly people can quickly name the emotions they don’t want to feel anymore. We are attached to our misery and know too little about happiness, joy and bliss. The Rainbow of Emotions technique will help you to strengthen the emotions you want and may need more in your life and to relate those emotions to your personal and professional success. Learn about the healthy effects of good and conscious laughter. Enjoy a Laughter Meditation.


Transform Resistance into Assistance

Every emotion has its right to be. It is not the emotion itself but the way you relate to that emotion that matters. Our instincts and limbic reactions make us fight uncomfortable emotions which actually makes them stronger. You will be invited to stop fighting your emotions and accept them from a different perspective.

This EI will guide you to identify and transform any form of reaction into new conscious responses.  and so new relationships with any emotion. Every emotion has a signal for us. Once you recognize the signal you can deal with the emotion more easily and effectively.


Emotion Yoga

Stepping in and out of emotions consciously helps you to take the charge out of them and creates neuro-pathways that are empowering. When you increase your ability to describe, define and feel any emotion you create healthy neuro-pathways that empower your choice and decision. These exercises significantly increase your choice, confidence and integrity.

Just like physical exercise this Emotional Intelligence suggest to practice emotions. Emotions that give happiness and joy need to be strengthened and enforced. Enjoy inspiring and fun theater Improv experiences called: Emotion Yoga.


Successfully handle Anger

Many people would say that frustration and anger are hardest to catch and change. As “fire emotions”, they are hot and fast. Their neuro-intensity is high and they cannot be denied nor just re-programmed. Successfully handling any formof aggression has to do with meeting the fire at the core. Explore creative ways to address frustration and anger more powerfully than ever before.


Build Confidence and Determination

Aggression with consciousness and love can turn into confidence, determination and assertiveness. These leadership qualities are directly linked to the level of success in our lives.


Assumptions and Facts

Emotions are human and have to be. How do you know which emotions are helpful and natural and which ones are to be changed? Judgment and assumptions can hurt more than physical force. Learn to clearly differentiate emotions from judgments and thoughts. Practice detachment and how to perceive and speak through facts.


Boundaries & The Emotional Health Model

Many unresourceful emotional processes are linked to not knowing or not being able to express boundaries. It takes time and specific reflection methods to again and again define           boundaries. The Emotional Health Model powerfully supports identifying and expressing boundaries and provides you with tools for more balanced emotional interactions. Build flexibility and responsiveness while identifying boundaries wisely .


Fear, Anxiety and Phobia

Emotions that result in high adrenalin levels, heightened heartbeat and any flight and fight response have a common structure. They are part of vicious circle patterns. If an emotion has us and we do not have the emotion it is called Emotional Enmeshment. Understanding and freeing yourself of Emotional Enmeshment helps you to successfully interrupt these physiological reactions.


 The Psychological Layers

 Learn the map of the psychological layers of emotions. Describe the effect of childhood

 Conditioning on defense mechanisms and on the origin of emotional patterns. Find your defense and protection mechanisms that limit emotional and physical health. Identify your emotional core wound. Build and live vulnerability fearlessly and confidently. Strengthen your authentic power.


Identify your protection and defense mechanisms

We have specific denial and defense mechanism. If you are run by your defense mechanisms true happiness is not possible. An exercise will give you the chance to be more aware of your defense mechanisms and so create more choice. You can then determine how to use previous protection patterns in a conscious way.


         Identify your emotional core wound

 Understand the seven main emotional core wounds. Identify your unique emotional core wound pattern and begin a process of healing on a deep level. This process directly raises your EQ and brings more love and peace into your relationships.


You are not your emotions. Meditation

The Spiritual Quotient (SQ) and the Emotional Quotient (EQ) are directly related. You are NOT you emotions. Who are you truly? Enhance the ability to be with emotions from a spiritual perspective. Enrich your life with inner neutrality and meditation.


Self-Love & Compassion
This topic is well-versed within all versions of EI & EQ. You can only truly care about others based on self-love. Self-care is a discipline that needs attention. Emotional Intelligence is rooted in the heart. Our quality of compassion and empathy results in our personal and professional success.


The Five Keys for Emotional Intelligence

Learn 5 distinct Keys enhancing your ability to feel emotions as well as detach yourself from them appropriately. Apply the 5 Keys to improve handling daily emotional challenges more successfully. Apply tips how to apply the 5 Keys and receive personalized feedback to increase your EQ.





  1. Introduction: to the Holistic Approach towards Self Awareness
  2. Introduction to the Mind Model: Understanding our mind & our own emotional awareness and the impact of our thoughts on our emotions.
  3. Building Self-Management Skills: Practical & Evidence Based Tools to Regulate & Manage our Emotions & our response towards others (colleagues, friends and family)  
  4. Empathy: Being Aware of the Emotions of Others
  5. Building Rapport, Improving Social skills through Improved Communication
  6. Application of EI at work
  7. Closing & Q&A


Dr. Doris Greenwood

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